About Social Media Status

Social Media Status was born as a concept in early 2008 but went into development and took its current form in 2014. It was produced out of a fascination with online marketing and the necessity to monitor and manage performance for multiple client accounts across the main marketing channels of Organic & Paid Search, Social Media Marketing and User Experience.

It is a statistical forecasting tool that enables the measurement of results, providing business insight by simplifying the optimisation process. It’s ability to forecast month-end results is an invaluable weapon in the hands of anyone trying to manage multiple accounts across a range of internet marketing platforms.

At the same time it offers additional practical applications for running marketing campaigns. It features an area for team management, with allocation of accounts and participation monitoring.

For agencies, there are features to manage campaign duration, billing and notifications for contract expiry. It is also possible to provide an automated dashboard for clients to login and view their monthly results, minimising the need for reporting and thus saving a lot of time. You can now customise the name of certain metrics to make your reports more accessible to a client.